Tuesday 22 February 2011

St Patrick outfit

A complete, sexy, "Chippendale" style of St Patrick outfit, consisting of:

- a green gilet (sleeveless jacket)
- green jeans
- a green, sculptured St Patrick hat (worn on chin)
- a green beau tie (worn on chest)

The gilet includes a narrow neck band that holds the beau tie and some green bands around the upper arms with clovers attached to them. If you don't want them, you can easily remove them in the Appearance Editor by lowering the Collar Front/Back and by making the Sleeve Length shorter.

The gilet comes in two versions: a shirt layer and a undershirt layer version.

The gilet isn't perfect: especially the shoulder area is a problem spot since many mesh triangles move and slide in unpredictable ways. How it looks also depends on the shape you wear. I did my best to find a good compromise.

The jeans come in two versions: pants and underpants version. The underpants version can be useful if you want to wear them inside boots, high socks etc. The length can be modified: convert them to shorts for a different effect...

The beau tie should be worn on the chest and edited such that it seems to be attached to the neck band. The chest isn't the perfect attachment point for this: with some poses and animations, it doesn't stay on the neck band, but no better attachment points are available (at least in the viewers I know)

The hat can be worn on the chin. For better results and if you have copy/mod hair (and a lot of spare time) you can link it with your hair and edit the hair not to stick through the hat.