Sunday 6 June 2010

T-shirt "Tie Dye"

Wear this 60's style tie dye shirt to relive the Flower Power period! Woodstock, "Peace", "Make Love, not War", flowers in your hair etc...

The shirt comes in 2 versions: a short "tucked" version (shirt layer) and a longer, "untucked" version (jacket layer).

Tip: if you want the untucked version to be wide and loose, wear the tucked version (or another shirt) underneath.

For those of you who are too young to remember what "tie dye" means: these shirts were made at home by taking a plain white t-shirt, tightly tying some ropes around it and putting it in bucket with a fabric dye. This process could be repeated with different colors.

I included the simple hair band that I made it for the sales poster (I attached it to my left ear). It's completely free, very primitive and if you don't like it or if it doesn't fit: just delete it. (I accept no complaints about this hair band)

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