Friday, 26 June 2009
Michael Jackson tribute t-shirt
Saturday, 13 June 2009
Funny video...
Hehehe... nice promotion of my clothes :-) But uh... is this t-shirt really appropriate for the general YouTube public? :-)
Friday, 12 June 2009
New K-Grid shop

Some products removed from K-Grid
I will probably open another store on Gondwana13 and some of the removed products might be available there for those who seek them.
Monday, 8 June 2009
Wet and dry t-shirt
By the way, dry versions of the wet shorts and wet sport shorts already exist and are being sold separately.
Main store restyle
Black leather shorts updated

Wednesday, 3 June 2009
More wet stuff...
Tuesday, 2 June 2009
I survived a ban...
This email is notification that Linden Lab has terminated your access to the Second Life virtual world due to severe or repeated violations of the Second Life Terms of Service or Community Standards. (...) Under our Community Standards policy, real-life images, avatar portrayals, and other depictions of sexual or lewd acts involving or appearing to involve children or minors are not allowed within Second Life.
Now com'on... "sexual or lewd acts"? "severe or repeated violations"? I never received any warnings, so it can't be "repeated", so it must be "severe". OK, there are minors on my posters (hehe, it's me), but never anything sexual... OK, maybe some shota (manga) tshirts are a bit naughty, but those are just funny drawings.
Anyway, I did the only thing I could do: send in an appeal. I wrote a friendly and cooperative request, although I didn't have much trust that it would help. Much to my surprise, I received an email the next day: Linden Labs reviewed my products and they decided to lift my ban. They wrote:
We would ask that you refrain from using what appears to be underage children for modelling potentially sexual items in the future.
OK, sounds fair enough to me. I was not aware of offering any "potentially sexual items", but if a Speedo or undie can be regarded as one, then I will just redo some of the sales posters with some older avatar.
The only thing I feel uncomfortable with is that I still don't fully understand it. How can I be sure that I'm safe now? Don't get me wrong: I'm fully willing to cooperate and comply to the TOS, it's only the subjectiveness of it that worries me. Linden Labs: please give me a warning next time...
K-Grid "sales" statistics
Above are some statistics. Not surprisingly, the most popular items are those that are popular in SL too, like the Adidas sport shorts, white shorts, wet shorts.
Also the sneakers do quite well, although they are not really high-quality: it's was just a quick fix because I needed some for myself. Same applies to the boy skin (also nor perfect) and, ahum..., the weenie :-) (I also "needed" one myself.. hehehe...).
If you like my products and you (still) have a Second Life account, feel free to visit my store there. Any donations are also welcome of course :-)
New Speedo's for the summer...