Tuesday 2 June 2009

K-Grid "sales" statistics

For about a month, I have a freebee "shop" in K-Grid (on the FreeBee Island). As all my products are free, sales are booming, many people grab almost everything in my shop! (well, I would have done the same...). So far I "sold" 2333 products!

Above are some statistics. Not surprisingly, the most popular items are those that are popular in SL too, like the Adidas sport shorts, white shorts, wet shorts.

Also the sneakers do quite well, although they are not really high-quality: it's was just a quick fix because I needed some for myself. Same applies to the boy skin (also nor perfect) and, ahum..., the weenie :-) (I also "needed" one myself.. hehehe...).

If you like my products and you (still) have a Second Life account, feel free to visit my store there. Any donations are also welcome of course :-)

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